International Youth Advisory Board
International Youth Advisory Board (IYAB) is a board made of youth leaders in the Youth Volunteer Corps Network. IYAB serves as a sounding board for new ideas out of YVC Headquarters and throughout the YVC network. Each month our meetings have a different focus or project initiative. We discuss topics including youth recruitment, innovative service projects, importance of youth leadership, and current issues that we can address in our communities. In addition to a monthly meeting, IYAB members also make decisions for YVC Day, YVC’s Annual Youth Grant, YVC marketing efforts, contribute blog entries, and attend Summit. IYAB youth make a difference within the YVC Network every day and learn leadership skills that will aid them in making a difference in their communities for years to come.
Applications for the 2024-2024 International Youth Advisory Board are now open! Please apply by June 14, 2024.

YVC Youth Grant
The 2025 YVC Youth Grant’s theme is Environmental Stewardship: Food Nutrition. The YVC Youth Grant will support youth-created and youth-led volunteer service projects— and for the seventh year in a row, YVC’s International Youth Advisory Board will select winners for the grant.
Applications for the 2025 YVC Youth Grant are open and due on March 12, 2025. Download the application for more information and apply now!
Why join IYAB?
IYAB is a group of young leaders who work together to meet these three goals:
Emphasize youth perspective in Youth Volunteer Corps Headquarters
Empower community responsibility and leadership
Encourage collaboration across the network

Many youth volunteers serve with YVC each year, and we are looking for the best 20-30 youth to serve on IYAB. IYAB is a prestigious position, and we truly believe that youth can change the world. We ask that all IYAB members can commit to the following:
What kinds of things does IYAB get to do?
IYAB serves as a sounding board for new ideas out of YVCHQ and the YVC Network. IYAB members learn new leadership skills, work with youth across the YVC network, contribute to YVC marketing campaigns, make decisions for YVC Day, approve the YVC Annual Youth Grant, contribute blog posts, attend Summit, and more!
Will IYAB meet in person?
The only opportunity for an in-person meeting will be at the YVC Summit, so we strongly encourage all IYAB members to attend the meeting. All other IYAB meetings will take place remotely on a conference call.
How long is an IYAB term?
Each IYAB term is August through May, with the option to reapply for future terms. The application process generally starts in the spring. For more details about applying please visit the general IYAB page.
When are the meetings?
Meetings take place the second Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Central Time (7 p.m. East Coast, 5 p.m. Mountain Time, 4 p.m. West Coast) using Zoom, a video conferencing service.
What happens if I miss a meeting?
We know that to achieve all the awesome things that IYAB is capable of, we need the whole team on board. Members are permitted three absences throughout the year as long as they notify the advisor of their absence in advance. Missing a call without notifying the IYAB advisor in advance will result in a warning, with the second offense resulting in removal from the board.
Can more than one Youth Volunteer from my YVC apply for IYAB?
Of course! We want IYAB to represent as many YVC programs as possible, but we encourage any interested youth to apply.