Monthly giving is the most effective way to fuel our mission. Your regular contribution provides a steady stream of support that allows us to offer sustainable programs that make a lasting difference.
Young people are dedicating their time and talents to make a difference. Every single contribution, no matter the amount, makes a real difference. Thank you for empowering them to tackle critical challenges in their communities!

“YVC has allowed me to meet a wide variety of new people over the years, making me much more comfortable interacting & working with others.” – Hazma

“I like keeping busy and helping my community. When I volunteer, I feel welcome and needed by my community.” – Mayling
Other Ways to Give:
For more information please contact Tracy Hale at (816) 472-9822 or by email at thale@yvc.org.
Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) thanks you for your donation. This support allows us to continue improving communities and changing lives through service that is challenging, rewarding, and educational. YVC qualifies as a 501(c)3 organization (Tax ID: 43-1597582) and contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.