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Grateful For Service

As we near this Thanksgiving season, I have reflected a lot on what kinds of things make me grateful. There is the obvious family, friends, beliefs, and major things to be grateful for. But, what about the little things that we don’t think about on a daily basis? I was challenged along with many others to make my social media platform a digital gratitude journal for only a week. I have grown up learning about the importance of a daily gratitude journal, not only around the holidays. With that verbal or written knowledge of knowing what you are grateful for each of those days, you are going to be happier overall. With this recent challenge, only after two days I have seen my social media flooded with gratitude and things we are thankful for. It was such a positive shift from the anger, contention, politics, and depressive content that was on there just days before.

One of the days I posted about my love and gratitude towards YVC and service in general. I have been raised to know that service is a really important thing to do. Though I have done multiple service activities with my church, YVC has taken me to the next step to allow me to have so many service opportunities as well as teaching what to do in each service project.


Through my years of service, I have learned that service isn’t about the project, it’s about the people. You don’t have to do something huge in order for it to count as service. Even the littlest things have the greatest impact on those around us. I am very grateful for the happiness that service brings. Every time I have been in a bad mood or going through a hard time, service was always there to lift up my spirit. It’s weird how that works, right? But, at the same time, it makes perfect sense. We can help others and at the same time help ourselves.

One of my favorite quotes from Dieter F. Uchtdorf states, “As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness.” I couldn’t agree more. I feel that when we serve, we are able to come together as a people and be lifted together. No matter what our different beliefs or views are, the consistent want to make each other happy is what can bring our world together. I feel that service is a much needed thing in this world today. We are all going through a hard time, each in our own way. Instead of focusing on yourself, I challenge you to focus on others and see what you can do to make their day better. Even the simplest thing can make for a better life.

Whether it affects one person or a million people, service remains the same. One of my other favorite quotes says, “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” How incredible is it to have all of these small acts that add up to something great? As we prepare for this holiday season, let us think of others. Let us show more thanks to somebody. Let us hold open more doors, give a few more smiles, show more kindness to more people, and do little things that can grow into something big and profound. I encourage everyone to take this challenge with me to not only show gratitude and give service just through the holidays, but through the whole year. As we do so, let us encourage others to do the same. We will see how happier we can be and really see how we are grateful for service.

Malorie is an 18-year-old who has been with the YVC program for about 6 years. This is her third term on IYAB and second term on the Executive team. As a senior this year, Malorie will be able to graduate with her associate’s degree and plans to attend college at SUU in Southern Utah. She loves to bake, play softball, volleyball, night games, and hang out with her friends. She enjoys bingeing a good show as well as well as cuddle up with a good scary movie. She is excited for this upcoming year and everyone she’ll meet.

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