100-In-1 Award
Dedicating 100 hours of service to your community in the span of one year is an amazing achievement. A very small percentage of YVC youth volunteers complete 100 hours in a single year, and we want them to know their hard work is noticed and appreciated throughout the YVC network. For this award, we consider a year to be the YVC program year: beginning of the school year through the end of summer.
Ethic of Service Award
Imagine volunteering all day, every day for three months straight. The Ethic of Service Award acknowledges youth who have served at least 500 hours with YVC over their career–which is the equivalent of three months straight. Very few people devote 500 hours of service to their community over the course of their entire lives, and the Ethic of Service Award recognizes those extraordinary individuals who reach this special milestone before even turning 19.
World-Changer Award
Anyone who has volunteered 1,000 hours has undoubtedly touched many lives, and we believe they have made a true impact in their community and the world. We can only imagine the total impact they will have on the world beyond their service with YVC. Very few youth volunteers in YVC’s history have served 1,000 or more hours with YVC, and we want to honor this incredible accomplishment.
Legacy Award
Volunteers who have served over 1,500 hours are honored with this award. We believe that the commitment and time required to achieve such an incredible goal shows dedication that very few can claim. This award is for those who have made such an impact in their communities and our organization that they will leave a legacy that will be remembered long after their time with YVC has ended.
Youth Volunteer of the Year
We have so many volunteers who dedicate countless hours to volunteering with YVC, but each year there is one volunteer who serves more hours than anyone else in our network. For that person we have created the Youth Volunteer of the Year award. This will be presented to the volunteer with the most hours served in a single year.

Recipients of all awards must be current or former YVC youth volunteers. Awards are given every year at the YVC Summit to any recipients in attendance and the remaining awards are sent to Program Directors to distribute. This is a YVC-specific award, so only hours completed through YVC qualify.