Provide a brief description of the service project and the service-learning that took place.
Look back to your Strong Foundation grant application. Provide an update on initiatives that are completed or in the process of being completed. Include details on any update, including how the plan and associated budget are being executed, community partner relationships, youth recruitment, and how the timeline matches or deviates from the original plan. Indicate specific outcomes to date (youth and hours).
Look back to your Innovative Ideas grant application. Provide an update on initiatives that are completed or in the process of being completed. Include details on any update, including how the plan and associated budget are being executed, community partner relationships, youth recruitment, and how the timeline matches or deviates from the original plan. Indicate specific outcomes to date (youth and hours).
Look back to your Custom Sunderland Grant application. Provide an update on initiatives that are completed or in the process of being completed. Include details on any update, including how the plan and associated budget are being executed, community partner relationships, youth recruitment, and how the timeline matches or deviates from the original plan.
Look back to your YVC STEM Grant application. Provide an update on initiatives that are completed or in the process of being completed. Include details on any update, including how the plan and associated budget are being executed, community partner relationships, youth recruitment, and how the timeline matches or deviates from the original plan.
Look back to your Custom Sunderland Grant application. Provide details on initiatives that were completed. Include details on how the plan and associated budget were executed, community partner relationships, youth recruitment, how the timeline matched or deviated from the original plan, and any other initiative outlined in your application.
Look back to your Innovative Ideas Grant application. Provide details on initiatives that were completed. Include details on how the plan and associated budget were executed, community partner relationships, youth recruitment, how the timeline matched or deviated from the original plan, and any other initiative outlined in your application.
Look back to your YVC STEM Grant application. Provide details on initiatives that were completed. Include details on how the plan and associated budget were executed, community partner relationships, youth recruitment, how the timeline matched or deviated from the original plan, and any other initiative outlined in your application.
Look back to your Big Build grant application, and how you indicated grant funds would be utilized. Have you completed, or are you in the process of completing, initiatives you described? For example, if you indicated a recruitment plan would take place, indicate how the plan is being executed. If you described multiple community partnerships that would take place, provide an update on these relationships. Please be as specific as possible.
What skill development took place (examples: using circular saws, pouring concrete, computer-aided design, etc)?
What STEM skill development took place?
What was the most meaningful moment on the project?