YVC Springfield
Springfield, Missouri
We engage youth in team-based service experiences that build life and work skills while inspiring a lifetime ethic of service. Our vision is communities defined by compassion, selflessness, and respect for others.
YVC projects engage teams of 8-10 youth ages 11-18 who volunteer their time to help local nonprofits and learning more about real issues in their communities. A trained and screened adult staff member supervises youth, leads them in icebreakers and team building activities, and facilitates meaningful reflection.
Youth Volunteer Corps provides a variety of service-learning experiences throughout the year that are educational, challenging, and rewarding!
The actual cost per youth volunteer each week of YVC summer is $137. Because we believe every youth should have the opportunity to volunteer, YVC has subsidized the cost per week to be $69/week. This summer, you have the option to pay what you can and choose whatever fee works for best for your family.
We encourage you to wear your YVC-branded gear to volunteer projects! Don’t have YVC-branded gear? Contact Betsy Calmer at bcalmer@yvc.org to find out how to get some!
Scroll below to find a volunteer project that interests you, and sign up to participate!
FOLLOW US on our social media sites for more fun and updates!
YVC Volunteers, for FULL projects, click the Project Waitlist button below, fill the form, and join our Program Director’s waitlist. Thanks for your interest!