• READ BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Please report using a 9/1/23-8/31/24 program year

    1.Log into your Ydat. 2. It is IMPERATIVE to ensure that any canceled projects have been deleted from your Ydat and any no-show youth have been deleted. 3. Click on "Reports." Under "Report Type," select "Annual Stats Report." Select the start and end dates as 9/1/2023 and 8/31/2024. Click "Run Report." Stats should appear in the order of the questions in this form. If they appear in a different order, re-sort by clicking the arrow next to "Question #."
  • Projects and Hours

  • This is the "All Youth Hours" stat in the report. YVC defines “hours” as “time served on YVC activities,” including direct service and related training, project activities (icebreakers, meaningful service, service-learning, reflection, etc.) and planning time (including Youth Advisory Board meetings and IYAB meetings).
  • This is "Project Occurrence Count". A YVC project is defined as “a well-planned, supervised, team-based volunteer experience for youth between the ages of 11 and 18 that serves an important community need.” Please count each project occurrence. For example, if you have a project where you visit the same agency on a recurring basis, each visit counts as one project. Ydat is set up to count projects this way if you use the “multiple dates” feature.
  • Please provide total number of hours served in each YVC Strategic Focus Area found under "Hour Count by Focus Area." Every YVC project must be designated into one or more YVC Strategic Focus Areas (SFA). Affiliates using a data collection system other than Ydat must find a way to identify each project by the SFA categories.
  • Agencies

  • This is "Agencies Served Count" in the Ydat Annual Stats Report. An agency is wherever the project is held and is defined as “an organization hosting a YVC project, including private nonprofits such as retirement homes and animal shelters and public nonprofits such as a city, state or other municipal departments.”
  • Youth Volunteers

    PLEASE NOTE: if there are no youth volunteers identified in a particular category, this field will not appear in your Ydat report. If you have no youth volunteers that identify in a required field, simply enter "0". Please double check your information to ensure that your numbers align with what is represented in your Ydat report in the correct order.
  • This is the "Unduplicated Youth Count" in the Ydat report. List the total number of individual, unduplicated youth who served on a YVC project during the 9/1/23-8/31/24 period. If a youth signed up for a project, yet didn't attend, please delete them from the project. Do not count referrals (directing interested youth or parents to non-YVC service opportunities).
  • This is the "Ongoing Youth Count" in the Ydat Report. As soon as a youth volunteer reaches 30 hours of service with your YVC program, whether it takes two weeks or eight years, please ensure they complete a YVC Youth Survey (available at https://ydat.org/survey)
  • This is the "Underserved" in the Ydat report. YVC defines “underserved youth” as youth who are any one of the following: •Qualifies for free/reduced school lunch (US) or free/reduced busing (Canada). • Family experiencing housing, food, or income insecurity •Are completing court-ordered service or are former juvenile offenders. • Are living with a disability. • In or aging out of foster care • Limited proficiency in community's dominant language • Faces a barrier not listed above
  • These numbers can be found under "Youth Count by Gender."
  • While this question may be optional on YVC applications/profiles, it is very important to collect for a variety of purposes and to evaluate the diversity of your YVC program. YVC has referenced the US Dept. of Health and Human services guidelines to select the above categories. If you have questions or inquiries, please let us know. These numbers can be found under "Youth Count by Ethnicity." Please double-check the order of ethnicities listed according to the ethnicities represented in your Ydat report.
  • Milestone Awards

    For youth earning 100 hours during the period reported here or 500, 1,000, or 1,500 hours over their YVC careers. Stats received by September 11, 2024 will ensure your youth volunteers will receive their awards at Summit. INSTRUCTIONS: Log in to Ydat. Click on "Reports." Under "Report Type," select "YVC Milestone Award Eligibility." Select the start and end dates as 9/1/2023 and 8/31/2024. Click "Run Report."

    YVCHQ is once again facilitating Presidential Volunteer Service Awards (PVSA) for US affiliates. If you'd like to submit youth information for PVSA awards, visit https://yvc.org/affiliate/presidential-volunteer-service-award/.
  • Any youth volunteer that has earned 100 YVC hours this program year. Please list the youth's name and number of hours served this program year. (Example: Sally Service; 104 hours)
  • Any youth volunteer that has earned 500 YVC hours over the course of their entire YVC career. PLEASE ONLY LIST YOUTH THAT HAVE NOT ALREADY WON THIS AWARD IN PRIOR YEARS. Please list the youth's name and number of hours served in their entire YVC career. (Example: Sally Service; 504 hours)
  • Any youth volunteer that has earned 1,000 YVC hours over the course of their entire YVC career. PLEASE ONLY LIST YOUTH THAT HAVE NOT ALREADY WON THIS AWARD IN PRIOR YEARS. Please list the youth's name and number of hours served in their entire YVC career. (Example: Sally Service; 1,004 hours)
  • Any youth volunteer that has earned 1,500 YVC hours over the course of their entire YVC career. PLEASE ONLY LIST YOUTH THAT HAVE NOT ALREADY WON THIS AWARD IN PRIOR YEARS. Please list the youth's name and number of hours served in their YVC career. (Example: Sally Service; 1,504 hours)
  • Staff Capacity & Program Structure

  • Please list the following for each individual within your organization that spends time on YVC throughout the year. Please include all staff including team leaders or temporary help. EXAMPLE: ---Victor Director; Program Director; 40 hours/week during summer; 30 hours/week during school year --- Elaine Executive; Executive Director; 5 hours/week during summer; 5 hours/week during school year--- Tammy Team; Team Leader; 40 hours/week during summer; 5 hours/week during school year
  • Please describe your typical program structure. Use the following program structures as a guide: in-school programming, after-school projects, weekend projects, once a month, summer programming (week-long or episodic), etc. Example: "We hold in-school programming twice a week at 2 high schools. Weekend projects twice a month. 6 weeks of summer programming "camp-style" M-Th 9-3 OR Example: "We hold one project on the first Saturday of each month. We have episodic projects during the school year, typically after school or on weekday evenings and average 2-3 of these projects per week. Programming occurs all summer, but projects are episodic, typically running from 9-noon 3 days a week. We also hold projects on the school breaks."
  • Stories

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
    • Based on the brief description provided here, we may follow up with you for additional details in order to truly showcase the winning project!
    • Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 128 MB.
      • Annual Report

      • Youth Surveys

        Once a youth volunteer reaches 30 hours of service with your YVC program, whether it takes two weeks or eight years, please ensure they complete a YVC Youth Survey (available at https://ydat.org/survey). You may also administer the Youth Survey paper/pencil found in the Affiliate Resource Library. If you administer these surveys paper/pencil, you are required to enter the survey responses at https://ydat.org/survey
      • Important Information needed for Youth Survey Revision

        Beginning in 2025, we hope to revise the current 30-hour youth survey collection process to occur twice a year instead of on a rolling basis. We hope that this will assist program staff in the collection of these surveys and ease the burden of this being an ongoing task. Before revising this process, we would like to gain input from our affiliates.
      • Example: "mid-April to early May; Aug-Sept" OR "end of school year (please tell us when your specific end of school year is) and end of program year"
      • Goals for 2024-2025

        The 2024-2025 program year runs from Sept 1, 2024- Aug 31, 2025
      • Since your program year starts September 1, our network is setting goals now to initiate growth. Please suggest stats goals for your program going into 2024-2025 and start working toward them right away! These goals will align with your Support Plan that will be completed in November-January along with your evaluation.
      • Variance Explanations

      • What’s “significant” will vary from one program to the next. You know your program best. Please compare last year’s stats to these and if there are any large discrepancies, up or down, think about what could have caused them and share that explanation here.
      • Verification

      • Drop files here or
        Max. file size: 128 MB.
          If you do not use Ydat to track your YVC program data, you must attach a full report generated from whatever system you use that validates the quantitative data provided above. Please note: affiliates must retain source documentation to verify their YVC statistics for a minimum of three years. 10 MB Maximum file size.
        • Typing your first and last name above serves as your signature to verify the information provided is accurate and the activities represented are in accordance with the YVC Mission and Program Standards.